修剪是压缩深神经网络(DNNS)的主要方法之一。最近,将核(可证明的数据汇总)用于修剪DNN,并增加了理论保证在压缩率和近似误差之间的权衡方面的优势。但是,该域中的核心是数据依赖性的,要么是在模型的权重和输入的限制性假设下生成的。在实际情况下,这种假设很少得到满足,从而限制了核心的适用性。为此,我们建议一个新颖而健壮的框架,用于计算模型权重的轻度假设,而没有对训练数据的任何假设。这个想法是计算每个层中每个神经元相对于以下层的输出的重要性。这是通过l \“ {o} wner椭圆形和caratheodory定理的组合来实现的。我们的方法同时依赖数据独立,适用于各种网络和数据集(由于简化的假设),以及在理论上支持的。方法的表现优于基于核心的现有神经修剪方法在广泛的网络和数据集上。例如,我们的方法在Imagenet上获得了$ 62 \%$的压缩率,ImageNet上的RESNET50的准确性下降了$ 1.09 \%$。
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The increasing importance of both deep neural networks (DNNs) and cloud services for training them means that bad actors have more incentive and opportunity to insert backdoors to alter the behavior of trained models. In this paper, we introduce a novel method for backdoor detection that extracts features from pre-trained DNN's weights using independent vector analysis (IVA) followed by a machine learning classifier. In comparison to other detection techniques, this has a number of benefits, such as not requiring any training data, being applicable across domains, operating with a wide range of network architectures, not assuming the nature of the triggers used to change network behavior, and being highly scalable. We discuss the detection pipeline, and then demonstrate the results on two computer vision datasets regarding image classification and object detection. Our method outperforms the competing algorithms in terms of efficiency and is more accurate, helping to ensure the safe application of deep learning and AI.
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Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that can automatically improve based on data and experience. Machine learning algorithms build a model from sample data, called training data, to make predictions or judgments without being explicitly programmed to do so. A variety of wellknown machine learning algorithms have been developed for use in the field of computer science to analyze data. This paper introduced a new machine learning algorithm called impact learning. Impact learning is a supervised learning algorithm that can be consolidated in both classification and regression problems. It can furthermore manifest its superiority in analyzing competitive data. This algorithm is remarkable for learning from the competitive situation and the competition comes from the effects of autonomous features. It is prepared by the impacts of the highlights from the intrinsic rate of natural increase (RNI). We, moreover, manifest the prevalence of the impact learning over the conventional machine learning algorithm.
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语言是个人表达思想的方法。每种语言都有自己的字母和数字字符集。人们可以通过口头或书面交流相互交流。但是,每种语言都有同类语言。聋哑和/或静音的个人通过手语交流。孟加拉语还具有手语,称为BDSL。数据集是关于孟加拉手册图像的。该系列包含49个单独的孟加拉字母图像。 BDSL49是一个数据集,由29,490张具有49个标签的图像组成。在数据收集期间,已经记录了14个不同成年人的图像,每个人都有不同的背景和外观。在准备过程中,已经使用了几种策略来消除数据集中的噪声。该数据集可免费提供给研究人员。他们可以使用机器学习,计算机视觉和深度学习技术开发自动化系统。此外,该数据集使用了两个模型。第一个是用于检测,而第二个是用于识别。
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最近实现了更准确的短期预测的数据驱动的空气质量预测。尽管取得了成功,但大多数目前的数据驱动解决方案都缺乏适当的模型不确定性的量化,以传达信任预测的程度。最近,在概率深度学习中已经制定了几种估计不确定性的实用工具。但是,在空气质量预测领域的域中没有经验应用和广泛的比较这些工具。因此,这项工作在空气质量预测的真实环境中应用了最先进的不确定性量化。通过广泛的实验,我们描述了培训概率模型,并根据经验性能,信心可靠性,置信度估计和实际适用性评估其预测性不确定性。我们还使用空气质量数据中固有的“自由”对抗培训和利用时间和空间相关性提出改善这些模型。我们的实验表明,所提出的模型比以前的工作更好地在量化数据驱动空气质量预测中的不确定性方面表现出。总体而言,贝叶斯神经网络提供了更可靠的不确定性估计,但可能挑战实施和规模。其他可扩展方法,如深合奏,蒙特卡罗(MC)辍学和随机重量平均-Gaussian(SWAG)可以执行良好,如果正确应用,但具有不同的权衡和性能度量的轻微变化。最后,我们的结果表明了不确定性估计的实际影响,并证明了,实际上,概率模型更适合提出知情决策。代码和数据集可用于\ url {https:/github.com/abdulmajid-murad/deep_probabilistic_forecast}
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